Sunday, July 28, 2024
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Haskell McKeever Awards

We held our annual awards evening involving students, families and staff from Oranga Primary, Te Papapa Primary, St Joseph’s Primary, Onehunga Primary, Royal Oak Intermediate and Onehunga High School.

Sergeant in action!! Kokako Recovery Work

Club Sergeant Noel Carey and his wife Jenny have been undertaking predator control, mainly rats, in the Northern Pureora for nearly 20 years. The work is to ensure the recovery and growth in numbers of the endangered Kokako. The work by volunteers has been so successful that DoC have completed the translocation of a number of Kokako to Maungatautari,  Waitakere Ranges, Eastern Taranaki and other parts of the North Island. The bush is pristine native forest with an abundance of native birds. The Kokako is a secretive bird, a poor flyer but very strong at hopping about in the upper canopy of the trees. Its song is one of the most melodic and eerie of all our native birds. Mainly heard and seen at daybreak.

Christmas Puddings

We are selling Christmas Puddings to members and friends to raise funds for Rotary.


Rotary Traditional Christmas Puddings are made from only the best fruit, spices and wholesome ingredients to a time-proven recipe that everyone loves year after year. They are the most delicious way to turn a meal into a celebration, Hot or cold.  you just can’t beat them. Serve with custard,  brandy butter, caramel sauce, cream or ice cream. Rotary Traditional Christmas Puddings are  great to share with family and friends or to say thank you to your clients or staff.  Gift them, share them or hide them until you’re alone – they’re just so good. Whatever you do, make sure  you order your supply today. Each one you buy includes a substantial donation to Rotary projects and community project in your area. Proceeds from sales, shared with participating Rotary clubs throughout New Zealand.

Enquiries and orders to: or your local Rotary Club

Onehunga High School (OHS) Project



Onehunga One Tree Hill Rotary has completed the first phase of OHS project!

Onehunga One Tree Hill Rotary is a fun, friendly, family- oriented club that aims to make a positive impact in our community. If you are aware of a project or something that needs doing in your community, or would like to join us, please email

Quiz Night

Onehunga One Tree Hill Rotary has partnered with the Monty Betham Steps for Life Foundation to raise money for this very worthwhile charity. We run a quiz night on Saturday 6th of October and it went evry well with many supporters.

Charitable Foundation/70’s club

The purpose of the foundation is to provide funds to support approved local community organisations by identifying those projects in the Community worthy of receiving support.

Bookfair raises $12,000 for the community projects in 2018

Our purpose is to raise a minimum of $10000 for Rotary to support our projects by organising a Book Fair to be held at Onehunga Community House.

RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

2021 RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)

Every year the club selects and funds two candidates aged 20 – 28 years from the Onehunga One Tree Hill catchment to attend the RYLA course. Leadership, team work and communication skills are taught over a week and takes place at the Muriwai Surf Club.


Dates: 1-7 May, 2021
Location: Muriwai Beach, Auckland
Luke Tamihau and John-Paul Goulding were our club sponsored attendees this year and shared their experience with the club at our 31 May meeting.
Learnings were:
– What it takes to lead a small group
– A fixed mind set vs a growth mind set-with the latter allowing you to pivot

– Feeling vulnerable is felt by all and it’s hard to admit when you are wrong – it’s OK to fail

– The importance of having a network of support
– Having a sense of purpose is helpful as is a sense of perspective.
– Honest constructive communication is required from good leaders

RYLA: How it works

What is RYLA?

RYLA is a Rotary organised programme promoting youth leadership and catering to young aspiring leaders aged between 20-28. Since its inception in 1960, thousands of young people around the world have benefited from attending the RYLA training course. Many have gone on to be outstanding leaders of their families, their businesses and the communities in which they live.
Delegates are sponsored either by a local Rotary Club, a local business, the business for whom they work or by private arrangements. We encourage businesses to promote their young leaders with a RYLA experience as the benefits are numerous and embrace all areas of the young person’s lives.
The varied week at RYLA has proved extraordinarily successful for many years. It provides an environment in which young people can develop their leadership, team work and communication skills. Many RYLA graduates have referred to the experience as “the week that changed my life”. Often the friendships made during the RYLA week develop into life time networks, benefiting the delegates in all areas of their lives.
Administered by Rotarians and facilitated by professional trainers, it targets young people aged 20-28 who may still be at university or already working. They do not need to be in a leadership role at this time.


When: Sunday 28 April – Saturday 4 May
Where: Muriwai Beach Surf Club Muriwai Beach, Auckland

Onehunga Foreshore Project

To develop and implement a plan to plant trees (pohutukawas) on the foreshore By reviewing work to date and:
• Obtain planting permission
• Source pohutukawas
• Arranging OHS planting team
• Setting a planting date

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