Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Rotarians helps Child Cancer Foundation fundraising

The Rotary Club of Onehunga – One Tree Hill members, haven’t let COVID-19 get in its their way assisting with this year’s Child Cancer Foundation appeal.


The club has supported the street appeal for a number of years and last March collected over $1,800 from the good folk outside Countdown Onehunga.


This year when members heard COVID-19 was preventing the usual bucket collection, they decided to donate $300 and help out further by posting 7,000 Child Cancer Foundation flyers into local letterboxes. The flyers contain details on how to donate $3 by texting CHILD to 3457 (or to donate more visit 

Big thanks to Peter Mayow who led the initiative and organised us all.

If you’re not sure how to donate by TEXT, it’s easy, try it! >>>

  1. On any mobile, select new text message.
  2. Type 3457 as the recipient’s mobile number, 
  3. Type Child in the message box.
  4. Hit Send.
  5. You will immediately receive a text reply (see  left).
  6. $3 will automatically be added to your next mobile bill or deducted from credit in a prepaid mobile account.  

Rotary donate Sandpit Diggers to Auckland Playcentres

(Report from Neil Reid)

  Background- several years ago the North Harbour Rotary club conducted a project manufacturing and distributing sand pit diggers and tip trucks for preschool groups on the North Shore – it was said at the time that these diggers provided a degree of development for hand/eye coordination and proved to be a hit with the kids and groups that received them 

The project was coordinated by Past President of the North Harbour club, David Hutcheson. 

 We have worked with David on several projects over the last 15 years or so, he also helped district  by making himself available to be our Rotary District’s representative with Rotary New Zealand World Community Service Ltd (RNZWCS).

Midyear David developed plans for a new project and roped us in to help. At first it was to source materials and later morphed into as an attendee at working days in his garage. 

In October 2021 Neil took to the Board and Club meetings, a prototype digger and asked the club to become involved in a joint venture project with North Harbour club.

The Basis of the joint project was to share the costs, volunteer labour and the finished product.

The commitment was for the manufacture of up to 50 units – currently 20 per club and 5 to be sold to contribute to the costs. 

Our club will look to deliver free of charge 20 units to preschool groups, Kindergartens, play groups and the like in our area and west Auckland with an emphasis on the Auckland Play Centres affiliated groups .

One of the goals of our present (2021/22) Governor Grant Smith is for clubs to work together on projects.

Covid-19 disrupted the construction process but with careful planning we were able to get the job done. Several members were involved in the planning and construction process, and with the component parts completed they came across town to Paul Jenner’s house where they were painted. Back across the bridge for assembly returning completed and distributed by the team under Peter Mayow direction Well done team – this was a good example for how Rotary clubs can get things done together.  

Rotary presents: 2021 Annual Onehunga Student Awards

Each December the Rotary Club of Onehunga – One Tree Hill proudly presents its annual awards to students attending local Onehunga schools. We congratulate every student for their steadfast work and leadership skills demonstrated within their schools and our  community.

This year the awards were presented to club members by fellow Rotarian and Principal of the Onehunga High School, Deidre Shea. This year many schools had to streamed their ceremonies to the students who were studying from home due to COVID-19.

The Rotary Club commends all recipients in spite of the additional challenges facing them this year. It is fascinating to see these children at such young ages with aspirations, that  years ago, many wouldn’t have contemplated.


Onehunga High School: Nisha Murugan 


St Joseph’s Primary School: Shaylin Mua


Oranga Primary School: Serenety Sagapolu


Te Papapa Primary School: Saw Yo Har Than


Onehunga Primary School: Sela Tengange


Onehunga Primary School: Kaleb Sagisagi


Royal Oak Intermediate: Martin Villamu

HASKELL AWARD ($2,000 each)

Onehunga High School: Gabriella Manu


Onehunga High School: Isaac Nair


Onehunga High School: Keta Tutu’u



WALLS AWARD ($1,000)

Onehunga High School: Theresa Faifo



Fred McKeever  Memorial Scholarships

Frd McKeever (b. 21st Jan 1915, d. 31st Dec 1998).

Fred McKeever was a prominent Onehunga businessman who Iived all his life in the town and joined the Rotary Club in December 1950.

Fred pass away in 1998 at the age of 83 years and in his Will left a considerable sum for the benefit of students in Onehunga schools.

In the early days Fred used to be a delivery boy on a bike delivering groceries around Onehunga. When Kingsford Smith flew from Australia in on 10th Nov 1928 Fred, then aged 13 cycled out to the old Mangere airport on his bike.

Fred owned owned McKeever Transport, a trucking business, in Onehunga which grew to a fleet of 10 vehicles. He also served on the Onehunga Borough Council and was strongly committed to the Rotary movement.

Fred joined the Rotary Club in December 1950 and held the record of 100% attendance. He was made Club President in 1970-71 and became a Paul Harris Fellow in 1995. He was a bachelor but still managed to provide hospitality to 230 members and their wives during his Presidency.

His generosity is acknowledged and many young people in Onehunga have benefitted by being recipiants of the Fred  McKeever Memorial Scolarship.

Fred left $125,000.00 to be invested for 21 years; the income in that 21 years being applied to “Scholarships of $500.00 each” to pupils at Onehunga Primary, Onehunga High School, Royal Oak Intermediate and St Joseph’s Convent and provided the Senior Citizens Service Club with 10 electric blankets per year. Scholarships now include the Oranga and Te Papapa Primary Schools.

At the end of 21 years the original four schools mentioned and the Senior Citizens Service Club Foundation receive the capital funds being $25,000.00 for each of the four schools and the Senior Citizens.

The annual Fred McKeever awards are now supported by the Onehunga – One Tree Hill Rotary Club Trust.

Alan Haskell Memorial Education Trust

Alan Haskell (b. 15th Nov 1926, d. 9th Sept 1991).

Alan Haskell was born in Onehunga and lived and worked here all his life.

In 1951 Alan started Trafalgar Hardware which was a well-known hardware store near Tin Tacks Corner, Onehunga. Alan’s life was notable for service to the community, particularly through service on the Board of Onehunga High School, including a term as Chairman.

Alan became a Rotarian in 1957 and served as President of the Onehunga Rotary Club in 1969/70 and District Governor in 1985/86. Alan was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow in 1986, a Justice of the Peace and was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal.

The Rotary Club of Onehunga in 1991 formed the Alan Haskell Memorial Education Trust to pay tribute to his service to the community and further local children education by way of the Trust.


Dennie Walls Endeavour Award and Cup

Sydney Denham (Dennie) Walls (b. 20th Jul 1910,  d. 20th Oct 2001).

This award is presented each year to an Onehunga High School pupil who inspires others with their effort, determination and perseverance to achieve his or her best despite the barriers presented and reflects Dennie’s own determination to succeed.

Dennie and his sister would catch their horses every morning on the family farm at East Tamaki, ride by horse to the station, catch the train to Newmarket then walk to Auckland Grammar and Epsom Girls’ Grammar respectively.

During the depression, Dennie managed to get an apprenticeship with a chemist and once qualified, worked hard all his life to run a successful business as a Pharmacist. Dennie formed a partnership that began Walls and Roche Pharmacy in Royal Oak.

Dennie left a Trust to benefit people in our community. Every year this award is presented to a student who inspires us with their effort, determination and perseverance to achieve his or her best despite the barriers presented.

Dennie Wall’s generosity is greatly acknowledged by the community and by the many Onehunga students who have benefited from his gift.

2021 Rotary Christmas Puddings Are Ready to Go

The Rotary Club of Ellerslie Sunrise is delighted to confirm the Christmas Pudding Project for this year is ready to go.

This is the ideal project to bring in funds to enable our Club to continue its support of our local community.

Each $20 (incl GST) pudding returns $5.00 to our club that can be used on a project of our choice.

Since 1988 over $2 million dollars from Christmas Pudding sales have been raised for Rotary Community projects throught Rotary District 9910 Clubs.

Please email your order to Peter Mayow at:

Te Tai Tokerau Tamariki Mental Wellbeing (Project)

Mental Health is particularly prevalent in Northland.

Rotary District 9910 is in the early stages of gaining a Rotary Foundation Global Grant to fund a three-year initiative to enable children to be more resilient and better cope with the stresses of life today.

Rotary will sponsor and work with Cat Levine to help her deliver her “Think and Be Me” messages to schools in Tai Tokerau. Tai Tokerau is the northernmost education region of New Zealand and includes the Far North and Kaipara Districts, as well as urban Whangarei and semi-rural Marsden and Ruakaka.

1-Introduction.mp4 from Stephen Wheeler on Vimeo.

In September 2021 Feelings for Life Charitable Trust was launched by Cat to enable businesses and individuals to help fund Cat’s presentations to schools, many of whom find funding the well-being of their pupils near impossible. These presentations are a great way to set our tamariki (children) up to understand their feelings while the Trust provides a mechanism for the Corporate sector and kind individuals to give back to the community.

information Video from Stephen Wheeler on Vimeo.

Project information

The project idea was conceived by a member of the Rotary Club of Onehunga One Tree Hill and will be managed by the Rotary District 9910 project team.

Rotary District 9910 Project Manager: Keith Day, email:

Project Lauch video

Project funding

Rotary Club of Onehunga One Tree Hill: $50,000

Rotary District Designated Fund: $200,000 (awaiting approval from The Rotary Foundation).

Other sources: $160,000


Rotary Bank Account: 02 0400 0009047 04

Code:                        Tai Tokerau

To receive a tax receipt:

Email Bruce Murdoch (Treasurer):

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact number


World Polio Day 24 October 2021

Rotary and polio


Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a paralyzing and potentially fatal disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world. Poliovirus invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in hours. It can strike people of any age but mainly affects children under five. Polio can be prevented by vaccines, but it is not curable. Unlike most diseases, polio can be eradicated.


For more than 30 years, Rotary and our partners have driven the effort to eradicate polio worldwide. Our PolioPlus program was the first initiative to tackle global polio eradication by vaccinating children on a massive scale. As a core partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary focuses on advocacy, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and awareness-building.

Rotary members have contributed more than $2.2 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort.

Polio Today

When Rotary and its partners formed the GPEI in 1988, there were 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries every year. Today, we have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent, and just two countries continue to report cases of wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Because of the efforts of Rotary and its partners, nearly 19.4 million people who would otherwise have been paralyzed are walking, and more than 1.5 million people are alive who would otherwise have died. The infrastructure we helped build to end polio is also being used to treat and prevent other diseases (including COVID-19) and create lasting impact in other areas of public health.


Rotary and our partners have made tremendous progress against polio, but eliminating all cases is going to take even more progress and perseverance. Afghanistan and Pakistan face unique challenges, including political insecurity, highly mobile populations, difficult terrain, and, in some instances, vaccine refusal and misinformation. With sufficient resources, the commitment of national governments, and innovations that improve access to remote areas, we are optimistic that we can eliminate polio.


Ensuring Success

Rotary has committed to raising $50 million per year for polio eradication. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to match that 2-to-1, for a total commitment of $150 million each year. These funds provide much-needed operational support, medical workers, laboratory equipment, and educational materials. Governments, corporations, and private donors all play a crucial role in funding.


Rotary in Action

More than 1 million Rotary members have donated their time and money to eradicate polio, and every year, hundreds of members work with health workers to vaccinate children in countries affected by polio. Rotary members work with UNICEF and other partners to prepare and distribute informational materials for people in areas that are isolated by conflict, geography, or poverty. They also mobilize to recruit fellow volunteers, assist in transporting the vaccine, and provide other logistical support.


Celebrity Support

Rotary has a growing list of public figures and celebrities who support our fight against polio, including Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; actresses Kristen Bell and Archie Panjabi; actor and wrestling superstar John Cena; supermodel Isabeli Fontana; Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu; action-movie star Jackie Chan; actor Donald Sutherland; boxing great Manny Pacquiao; pop star Psy; golf legend Jack Nicklaus; conservationist Jane Goodall; premier violinist Itzhak Perlman; Grammy Award winners A.R. Rahman, Angélique Kidjo, and Ziggy Marley; and peace advocate Queen Noor of Jordan. These ambassadors help Rotary educate the public about the disease and the fight to end polio for good.

Pacific Advance Secondary School (PASS)

The Experience with the Rotary Enrichment Programme (“REP”) at the Pacific Advance Secondary School (“PASS”) at 46 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu, Auckland (Writer: Barry Stratford – Member, Rotary Club of Onehunga One Tree Hill)

Remember Sir Robert Jones?  Bob Jones was one of the country’s best known commercial property developers in the 1980s and 1990s.  He was a boy from a State House in the Lower Hutt Valley, Wellington and became the founder, financier and leader of the New Zealand Party, which led to the demise of Sir Robert Muldoon, as Prime Minister, in the 1984 General Election.  Bob Jones was also well known as a boxing aficionado and a man with strong opinions, which he could articulate well, if not better than most other figures in our political and cultural landscape of the time.  He was the popular go-to person for journalists after a ready quip, or their next headline.  Bob was largely self-educated and a voracious reader, who from about his mid-forties wrote several books of both fiction and non-fiction.

Less well known is his younger brother Lloyd Jones with considerably more talent than Bob as a writer and novelist.  His 2006 novel Mister Pip is a wonderfully imagined story, set in a South Pacific Island, where a civil war flares around the local population like bad weather.  The main protagonist is Mr Watts ,a somewhat hapless English teacher who in desperation finds, in the local school’s almost empty library, a tattered copy of Charles Dickens’ mid-Victorian novel, Great Expectations.  It is the shared reading aloud of passages in the book which set the story alight.  Somehow from an adolescent, yet eager audience, for whom English is clearly a second a language, the power of the written and spoken word strikes a chord, especially with a thirteen year old young woman.

The novel was the winner of the 2006 Commonwealth Prize for Literature and short listed for the 2007 Booker Prize.  Seven years later in 2013 it was made into an entertaining and moving film with the multi-talented Hugh Laurie as Mr Watts.  Some of the classroom scenes were filmed in Glendowie College, Auckland.  What the novel and the film show most graphically, is the importance of reading in unlocking for the younger reader, the boundless opportunities and experiences which life can offer.

To paraphrase a perceptive review from the Guardian’s film reviewer, the novel and the film have at their heart, just as the REP programme does at PASS,

  • a belief in the power of literacy to “set minds free”,
  • that the classroom is a place of light, and
  • that children can discover “ a bigger piece of the world they can enter” without devices, other than perhaps, a dictionary.

At PASS there is the added possibility that you may be fortunate to encounter, the whole school or a school group, singing unaccompanied.  It is a wonderful, emotional and moving experience and shows that the students there have a musical gene.  It makes you realise that the first musical instrument must have been the human voice.

What we do

With these comments in mind just what is it that we do at PASS when a student appears?  A couple of points first about the material we work with and the students themselves.

Unlike in Mister Pip, the material we have is not a series of passages from a work of fiction from 170 years ago set in mid Victorian England.  It comprises a set of carefully targeted exercises in fiction and non-fiction in short texts of 12 levels of graduated difficulty.  The product quality is modern with good colour printing, an easy to understand layout, accompanying pictorials complementing the text and separate colour coded tabs with the answers to the 23 questions, the student completes for each exercise.  The content is intended for the target audience of students of 13 -14 years.  The material probably predates the most recent decade of the digital age but in many respects is often pleasingly relevant to the readers’ personal experiences in life, young or old.

The students, in their early teens, have arrived at secondary school needing to have their reading and comprehension skills improved, so that they can use the rest of their time at school to unlock their potential and give themselves the best opportunity to fulfil their own plans.  Often they come from backgrounds and families with lots of challenges.  At the same time their families are very supportive across the age range of all family members.

We listen and read

For each student we set out to establish a rapport with them so that they are relaxed with us and can concentrate on what we want to achieve with them in each 45 minutes session.  Without being intrusive we ask them a little about their whanau and tell them something about ourselves and our families.  Then we turn to the business in hand.

First we listen to them read the text and take turns to read to them.  We concentrate on the speed with which they read, their enunciation, word recognition and try and assess how well they are engaging with the material and relating to it.  In reading to them we attempt to read with fluency and encourage their interest in the subject matter, remembering that this time is a one on one contact with only them and us involved; a precious moment of influence.

After we have finished reading we ask them for their comments about what we have just read. Often if there is no immediate response we set out to encourage them to talk about the content of what we have read in a personal way.  Did they enjoy it or was it really boring?  Have they had similar experiences such as owning a dog or bullying in the playground or swimming with sharks?  Frequently their initial short responses are very illuminating and can lead to longer discussions. We try and jot down in note form these responses because later we need to come back to them to help our student summarise the text.

We work

Then we go through the 23 questions, which are about the text, with the majority in a multi choice format.  There are some gentle introductions to important grammar rules, the meaning of certain words, the function of particular types of words in the text and testing how well they have understood key points in the text.  It is interesting to measure one’s own responses against the students and note when they are quicker than you.

It is important to go to the answer tab and mark the student’s work as soon as you have finished.  They are very interested in finding out how they have done and get satisfaction for a clean sheet.  This is human nature and applies to all of us as well.  It is also an opportunity to encourage them and share in their success.

We observe

And all the time we notice how they write. Are they neat? Do they write quickly or slowly?  When they need to spell a more complex word can they do so from memory or do they need to see the word and copy it?  What is reasonably clear is that most of the students have been raised with the art of writing legibly.  And you notice when they have been taught phonetics, because they can break down longer words into syllables and can read and write using that skill.  Some have beautiful script and my immediate comparison with my own scrawl makes me wince.

Occasionally there is an opportunity to use a dictionary.  I marvel at how much information is packed into a good dictionary.  Most students know how to use them, but do not appreciate how much they can learn from this wonderful aid with which we have all been educated.  The digital age may see their passing but that would be a great loss.

We help

The big challenge is to return to the notes made immediately after the finish of the reading and help the student convert them into a five sentence summary of the text.  If you have jotted down their own comments this will be a useful platform on which to build.  First you need to assemble the notes into a logical order and then flesh out the sentences. If you are struggling for material you can sometimes extend the content by personalising the summary and have your student introduce their own similar experiences. ie “Our dog doesn’t behave as badly as the dog in this story.” Or “ I have built a better rabbit cage than the one in this story.”. Or there may be an opportunity to introduce some humour from the student’s own experiences  This part of the exercise is the most challenging, but the students get much satisfaction from reading back their own summary at the end.

To get through all the material and exercises in 45 minutes is a tall order and requires some good discipline from the mentor.

So as a mentor what is in it for you?

There are some remarkable things.

  • It is an uplifting personal experience which is good for your spirit and your soul.
  • It is exciting to feel the energy of the students and imagine their potential realised.
  • It is a joyful time to be with young teenagers who are so welcoming and respectful of your presence. And who, in the time of the pandemic, interminable lockdowns, burst bubbles and long sticks poked up your nose, can be against joy?

I usually leave PASS, after a morning session with two students, and wonder if they got as much out of it as I have.  This may be followed by a pang of some self-centred thinking that I have satisfied a personal obligation I have to civil society.  Fortunately this is swept away by my final thought, about how much promise is within this School and its pupils, and what a wonderful contribution they will be making to New Zealand as the grow and fulfil their potential to be the stars and flowers of the South Pacific.


Rotary Club support at PASS

About eight of our members are involved in the programme at PASS.

For the last two years our club has also give monetary bursaries for senior students at their end of year Prize Giving ceremony to assist them with their tertiary education.

Rotary One Tree Hill Supports the Shades Tour

ONEHUNGA ONE TREE HILL ROTARY CLUB is proud to present The Shades Quartet. Don’t miss out to see one of NZ’s finest vocal talents at the Rangitira, Q Theatre, 305 Queen Street.

[UPDATE 17 Aug: Due to the announcement by the Ministry of Health that Auckland is moving into Alert Level 4, the SHADES performances have been postponed until further notice]

The Shades Gratitude Tour


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