Sunday, July 28, 2024
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Tournament of Minds (TOM) is a problem solving program for teams of students from both primary and secondary years. Tournament’s aim is to enhance the potential of our youth by developing diverse skills, enterprise, time management, and the discipline to work collaboratively within a challenging and competitive environment.

They are required to solve demanding, open-ended challenges from several disciplines: The Arts, Science/Technology/Engineering/Maths, Languages/Literacy, Social Sciences

President Quentin welcomed a special visit from six delightful youngsters (Team Kevin) from the Royal Oak Intermediate School along with their teachers, parents and supporters who presented a report after participating in the TOM competition at the Australian National University, Canberra (our Club part sponsored pupils travel and accommodation).

The TOM competition involved Teams of Australian and Kiwi pupils from Primary and Intermediate level who are given an open-ended challenge and the briefest of instructions, to come up with a solution. After a specific time, the team then must, in 10-minutes, present their challenge solution to a panel of judges, and explain how they completed their task.

The trip was not all work and there was also time to explore the sights and sounds of Australia’s attractive Federal Capital.

Team “Kevin” presented President Quentin a very nice thank you card and note to the Club for its support.

Books for Life – Vanuatu Project

District 9910 Governor Matt McLeod along with immediate Past District Governor Grant Smith recently visited Vanuatu which is part of our District.

On 14th November Matt handed a gift of books to the Tasirikiri Pre-Primary School on Moso Island. The school is located just off the Havannah coast of north Efate and approx 45-minutes or 30kms from Port Vila.

The school has 150-pupils from preschool age up. The reading books were funded by our club and organised by member George Arulanantham  (Chair  International Grants & Projects) who in turn coordinated with Asok Kumar President of Port Vila Rotary

The books were purchased from Read Pacific run by Rae Mckean whose family have been supplying educational material to the Pacific Islands for 30-years.

Book Fair 2022 coming soon – Sorting

Bill Grayson advised that the Book Fair leaflets have all been distributed and that book sorting in the Victoria Street warehouse has commenced.

Helpers needed on Tuesday and Thursday mornings over next two weeks to categorise and stack the books into banana boxes before they are transported to the Onehunga Community House on Monday for the Book Fair on Sat/Sun 26 & 27th November 2022.

2022/23 Rotary Changeover Dinner

President Robin welcomed members, DG Grant Smith and wife Sarah and guests to our 2022-23 Changeover Dinner and extended apologies from our incoming President Quentin Jay who was belayed with COVID-19. Following grace was a fine meal provided by the kitchen of Parkside Village.

The evening was kicked off with two 70’s Club draws, led by Lloyd who explained how the lucky number draw was created by club member Morris Mitchell as a fundraiser in 1990. Members purchase tickets which randomly drawn in a series of four sessions – Feb, March, May and June. The first three minor draws have four cash prizes ranging from $30 -$120 and the final, major draw on Changeover night, has six prizes ranging from $100- $500. Due to COVID, the May draw was delayed until tonight where top prize went to Rod Kestle. The top prize for the major draw went to a very fortunate Trevor Mosley.

President Robin reflected on how we kept on with meetings via Zoom which while technically challenging, were still well attended. Given all that occurred during the year, Robin said we still have much to be thankful and grateful for.

DG Grant Smith followed summarising his year having visited 21-clubs starting with ours which holds a special place in the hearts of many in the District. DG Grant’s main goal this year was to encourage clubs to collaborate and to undertake bigger projects – and “to always have fun!” One the highlights is the ongoing Te Tai Tokerau Mental Wellbeing project led by Cat Levine which raised $600,000 in 6-weeks and is sure to be a legacy project that will last a very long time. DG Grant also noted our club had the greatest increase in membership in the 9910 District – so well-done to Robin and members involved. DG Grant presented Barry Stafford with an Avenues of Service Award for outstanding efforts in Community Service. The Shades Tour gave great prominence to the Rotary name which became a reality after receiving good funding and support from a donor member. Even though the tour was interrupted by a country wide COVID lockdown which led to the cancellation of the Auckland leg, the Nelson event still managed to raised $6,000 for flood victims -well done all.

President Robin presented the following members with a Paul Harris Fellow certificate and pin:
Iain McCrae
Bill Grayson
Bruce Murdoch
Paul Jenner
Tony Rayner

Outgoing President Robin presented the President’s Chain to Barry Stafford who received it on behalf of Incoming President Quentin Jay. Barry in return presented Robin with his Past-President’s pin.

Incoming President Quentin’s address (presented by Barry Stafford)
Quentin mentioned he is the first American born president of the club and unlike the 1,200-word Gettysburg Address, Quentin’s will only be 200. Quentin thanked Robin and team for overcoming the challenges of the past year, which is what Rotary is all about. Quentin welcomed the new members and looked forward to working with them to find where in the club they would most like to be engaged. He remarked on the new Rotary Club of Maungakiekie name badges that members received on the night, and stated – Maungakiekie: this proud mountain surrounds itself with a diversity of people, beliefs, and prospects. We as a club seek to reflect this diversity in who we are and the communities we serve.

President Robin inducted our three newest members: Cat Levine, Rhett Stephens and Jeannette Thorne … and introduced soon to be inducted members: Phil Aish, John Paul Goulding and John Mamea Wilson.

Dinner at Onehunga High School

We were welcomed by Head Prefects Olivia and Sione to the centre of the New Classrooms Building where the space had been transformed into a restaurant and situated alongside the new modern kitchen facilities. The students could be seen working on the final plating of the meals which was the culmination of a full days preparation and cooking.

The food presentation and the wait staff attendance was of a very high calibre and they can be very proud of their efforts. The food, of course, was delicious.

Gareth Leadbeater, the new build project liaison officer, explained the background to the facilities and what they had achieved in producing a modern education facility that will be a reference point for future education builds.

This was their first week in the classrooms which will be officially opened this Friday 17th June 2022 followed by an open day on Saturday.

The new Gymnasium has been in use from the beginning of the year and is a world class facility that Gareth takes great pride in what was achieved in the design.

We were invited to tour the two levels of classrooms and to go across to the Gymnasium. The prefects were available to escort us and to answer any questions. For anyone not familiar with modern schools this was an impressive experience.

Principal Deidre Shea, (MNZM of which the students had said were very proud), spoke of the long journey that was undertaken in obtaining funding and the planning of the building design.

The delay in receiving the approved funding was exacerbated by the Christchurch earthquake which took priority. This did provide the opportunity to make sure that the design reflected their detailed research of their requirements.

Barry Stafford gave the vote of thanks to the students for their efforts and assured them that, at their table at least, the desserts were shared around for all to experience the various delights on offer.

RYLA Report – May 2022

Guest Speaker Deborah Fletcher, the Club RYLA attendee this year is Auckland based and teaches Dance.

Deborah was one of 15 delegates from Auckland and Northland who attended this years RYLA event that was conducted via Zoom due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Deborah said that they broke off into smaller groups, to better connect and arranged a dinner together in Newmarket to experience some face time.

One of the highlights was a group project to form an NGO Prototype of an Online Market Place for Art and Trade services. The 5-hour project produced some high-quality work that proved very satisfying.

Deborah commented that a younger person can be demoralised by the state of the world and RYLA enabled the sharing with people experiencing the same feelings. Also sharing of past RYLA attendees their current experiences, including Brain Research and work into the community.

Students were particularly impressed with Inspirational Guest speaker Cam Calkoen, who was born with Cerebral Palsy who says his life has been “normal” for him since birth and his life would have carried on in whatever direction he chose to take.

Some quotes from Cam:

  • Life is what we make it and the values needed to achieve awesomeness are simple
  • We need to believe and in doing so, leave no stone unturned. My offerings help you identify these unturned stones
  • In other words, I inspire others to dream big and achieve more!

Deborah said the Group will continue to arrange outings together in the future.

Peter Garnett presented Deborah with a RYLA certificate and reminded her that she was now a member of the RYLA International Alumni and could take advantage of connecting with RYLA Alumni worldwide.

70s Club – What is it?

Bruce Murdoch spoke about the origins of a club lottery based 70’s Club for the benefit of new members. It is an internal project fund raising effort originally named the 100’s Club many years ago by the late Past President Maurice Mitchell reflecting the hope of 50 members purchasing 2-numbers each.
In later years the club averaged 35-members and so the fundraiser was renamed the 70’s Club. Numbers are drawn out of a hat three times a year with cash prizes for the top 3-draws and the balance going on to fund Club Projects. To date the club lottery has raised $50K – $60K.

Maungakiekie Songbird Trust

Creating a Thriving One Tree Hill Habitat.

Guest Speaker Iain Hook has a background in Sales and Marketing updated Members on recent and activities of the Maungakiekie Songbird Trust creation of a thriving One Tree Hill habitat.

Iain who lives locally noticed a decline of birdlife over past years, which he suspected was from combination of pests and reducing habitat

His idea was to establish a halo around Parks and to mobilise the community into enhancing the habitat – “ Bring back the songbirds”.

Iain’s first action was to meet and discuss the concept with the two parks administrators, as their buy-in was and is important.

Cornwall Park Trust Board manages and operates Cornwall Park while the Maungakiekie and One Tree Hill domain is managed by Tūpuna Maunga Authority.

Iain formulated a six-step Business Plan which was socialised to interested parties such as funders. Seed funding was going to be required to provide the free resources to residents in the halo area. A variety of applications were successfully made (and we gratefully acknowledge their support).

  • Auckland Council Community grant program 2020
  • DOC, via their annual community grants fund 2020
  • The halo area overlaps two-local boards: Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board in 2020/21 and Albert-Eden Local Board in 2021.
  • The Tūpuna Maunga Authority in 2021 who look after the Ancestral Mountains
  • The mid-long-term goal is to break reliance on grants and obtain commercial sponsorship, however currently with Covid this is not commercially viable.

Organisational structure:

  • A Charitable Trust was established to run the project.
  • The Trust name reflects positive outcome’ – not narrow focus on just pests
  • Logo: incorporates an icon of One Tree Hill (made of birds). Green to be ‘environmentally friendly.
  • Website: For more details visit the Trust at: https//
  • News updates: On local community newspapers, primarily the Onehunga Community News.
  • Membership:
    • Via letterbox flyers to target “halo” residents. Five-letterbox drops have been undertaken which has resulted in approx 550 current membership base.
    • Signup by registering online and then attend a collection day in One Tree Hill to collect requested resources.
  • Membership represents around 20% of eligible households in the “halo” area. This is a significant result vs other projects that are pest control focused.
  • Resources: Monitoring tools & traps
  • Trap Suppliers: Envirotools, a Wellington based manufacturer, was selected to supply both our rodent and Possum traps. Traps were selected for their ease of use, quality of manufacturer, value for money, and our support of a New Zealand manufacturer
  • Traps: Approx 400 members have received either a rodent and/or possum trap
    • Traps provide a humane kill – certified for this.
    • February 2021: Hanging wasp trap was added to the mix
  • Native trees: are being supplied and they are working with the nursey team at Cornwall Park.
  • Bird feeders: are the top requested item – who doesn’t want birds in the garden ! The sugar-water bottle supports nectar feeders, such as Tui’s, while a hook on the underside of the platform allows you to hang any desired feeder to target a range of other species such as finches.

Te Whakaroa Tangata

Te Whakaroa Tangata, is one of the key programmes the Rotary Club of Onehunga – One Tree Hill is sponsoring this year, championed by club member Bill Grayson.

The following is an update from the programme:

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