(Report from Neil Reid)

  Background- several years ago the North Harbour Rotary club conducted a project manufacturing and distributing sand pit diggers and tip trucks for preschool groups on the North Shore – it was said at the time that these diggers provided a degree of development for hand/eye coordination and proved to be a hit with the kids and groups that received them 

The project was coordinated by Past President of the North Harbour club, David Hutcheson. 

 We have worked with David on several projects over the last 15 years or so, he also helped district  by making himself available to be our Rotary District’s representative with Rotary New Zealand World Community Service Ltd (RNZWCS).

Midyear David developed plans for a new project and roped us in to help. At first it was to source materials and later morphed into as an attendee at working days in his garage. 

In October 2021 Neil took to the Board and Club meetings, a prototype digger and asked the club to become involved in a joint venture project with North Harbour club.

The Basis of the joint project was to share the costs, volunteer labour and the finished product.

The commitment was for the manufacture of up to 50 units – currently 20 per club and 5 to be sold to contribute to the costs. 

Our club will look to deliver free of charge 20 units to preschool groups, Kindergartens, play groups and the like in our area and west Auckland with an emphasis on the Auckland Play Centres affiliated groups .

One of the goals of our present (2021/22) Governor Grant Smith is for clubs to work together on projects.

Covid-19 disrupted the construction process but with careful planning we were able to get the job done. Several members were involved in the planning and construction process, and with the component parts completed they came across town to Paul Jenner’s house where they were painted. Back across the bridge for assembly returning completed and distributed by the team under Peter Mayow direction Well done team – this was a good example for how Rotary clubs can get things done together.